第四届黄山对话会发布黄山愿景和行动倡议 强调数字技术重要作用
中新网北京6月30日电 (记者 孙自法)中国科学院空天信息创新研究院(中科院空天院)6月30日向媒体发布消息说,第四届联合国教科文组织名录遗产与可持续发展黄山对话会(黄山对话会)当天在安徽黄山闭幕,中科院院士、联合国教科文组织国际自然与文化遗产空间技术中心(HIST)主任郭华东和黄山市人民政府副市长张亚强共同发布《联合国教科文组织名录遗产与可持续发展黄山愿景》(黄山愿景)。
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#特别报道# 【世界名录遗产与可持续发展黄山对话会举办】
#特别报道# 【世界名录遗产与可持续发展黄山对话会举办】6月29日,第四届联合国教科文组织名录遗产与可持续发展黄山对话会在黄山市召开。本届对话会为期两天,主题为“数字技术赋能名录遗产可持续发展”,设立名录遗产与数字化保护、空间监测评估、名录遗产协同管理、防灾减灾、应对气候变化、文旅融合、遗产教育、空间考古八场分会,并特别设置联合国教科文组织名录遗产申报和管理专场。
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Dialogue looks to digital future for UNESCO sites
Experts called for the use of digital technologies to advance the sustainable development of World Heritage Sites, biosphere reserves and global geoparks, at the 4th Huangshan Dialogue held from June 29-30.
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Major international sustainable development conference starts
With the theme "Digital Technologies Enabling Sustainable Development of UNESCO-designated Sites", the dialogue this year brought together more than 200 delegates from China and foreign countries who have worked to identify, research and manage UNESCO-designated sites, to explore the application of space technology in the protection and management of World Heritage sites, World Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks, which jointly form UNESCO-designated sites.